Design and Develop Effective Teams - Video Course

Have you just started a team, or about to? Not sure how to structure the team to ensure you achieve the success you are wanting or needing?

What Will You Learn?
  • Develop strategies to lead your team through the four stages of team development: forming, storming, norming and performance
  • Create a competency framework that can be used for development and performance management
  • Structure your team to ensure you have the right people in the right jobs, and you achieve the outcomes you need
  • Create clear roles and responsibilities for team members
  • Develop a performance review process for individuals and teams
  • Develop a talent management strategy
  • Identify a range of techniques to develop the individuals in your team

This course will focus on:

  • How to move your team through the four stages of team development
  • How to structure your team to ensure you have the right people in the right job
  • The different strategies you can use to effectively lead your team members
  • How to create effective roles and responsibilities
  • How to measure individual and team performance
  • How to manage the skills and competencies of your team
  • How to develop the individuals in your team so they are motivated and perform well