Reduce Rework For Your Engineering Team - Video Course

Design efficient processes, inspire and engage your team with clear vision

Successful projects and teams start with planning. Many engineers plan the project well, having a good understanding of the time cost and quality required for each task, but do not think about how the team will work together. It can come as a rude shock, when your perfect project plan is blown out of the water because of team conflict. That’s what this training course will help you with…how to plan your team for success.

Planning for team success will help prevent rework, increase profit margins and will enable more effective conflict management. This course will focus on setting a good vision for your team, writing individual and team objectives, identification and elimination of waste, and creating great processes that achieve objectives and add value for both your internal and external customers.


Course features:

  • 8 lectures and 1 hour of content.
  • Each lecture has a workbook and a template to support you as you put these principles into practice.
  • Write individual and team goals to support the vision.
  • Design processes without waste.
  • Lead a successful and effective team.
  • Eliminate rework and waste from processes.
  • Organise the workplace for efficiency.
  • Create a strong vision for your team and project.

Who is the course for?

  • Managers who are not sure how to reduce rework, and are losing profit as a result, will benefit from the skills learnt to create a good vision and create great processes.
  • New managers or those who are preparing to step into a new role.
  • Project managers about the commence a new project.

Course structure

  1. Course overview.
  2. How to create and communicate your project vision.
  3. How to set short and long term goals.
  4. How to identify and eliminate waste in your process.
  5. How to design efficient process flow.
  6. How to 5S your work area.
  7. Create efficient processes with the SIPOCR.
  8. Take action to get the basics right.

The course is available for purchase from