Presentation skills course
Develop and improve your presentation skills and techniques to achieve greater success!
- Internationally successful course
- Highly interactive learning
- Small class size
- Effective learning transfer from classroom to the workplace
- 2 half day sessions
- Unique follow up coaching
- Public courses in Warriewood
- Private courses on request
Total Investment: $490 + GST
Complementary: 2 hr x 1:1 coaching Additional coaching $120/hr
Register today!
Contact us for available dates on 0466 345 381 or online
“Ross Blaikie’s Presentation skills course was excellent. A wonderful balance between solid information and front of the room practice. With the addition of video tapping your efforts so you can see exactly where and what you need to improve upon. I couldn’t recommend it highly enough.”
“Going through Ross’ Presentation Skills Workshop, allowed me to plant my feet more firmly and deliver my message with much more confidence and conviction.”