Last year was a big one for me. Running a business, finishing a house renovation while trying to manage a large family stretched me completely so that at the end of 2017 I was exhausted. If anything, what I have learnt from the challenges of 2017 is that getting priorities straight is vital!!!

Starting the new-year is a great time to get your priorities in order and figure out what’s important. But as this article points out (insert link..) having “big” goals can sometimes be a bit disheartening and difficult to achieve if they seem a bit overwhelming. It’s important then to break things into smaller chunks, and incorporate new small tasks into a daily routine so that it does not seem as big or overwhelming.

So rather than sharing my big goals, here are my focus areas. My hope is that as I share my thoughts, examples and “small steps” in these areas, you will find them useful for yourself.

  1. Get clear on what “value” actually means from the customers perspective
  2. Find the waste and implement simple strategies to eliminate it
  3. Build a team that is effective and gets the job done and delivers the value that customers are looking for!

Looking forward to an extraordinary 2018 !