You have probably all worked with someone who talks a lot…and I don’t just mean that they are a good communicator, I mean they are someone who is continually talking for no apparent purpose!

In my last blog post I gave just a few tips for the ‘thinker’ to help them be a more effective communicator with others. So now lets focus out attention on the ‘talker’ and discuss a few tips to help them better communicate with others.

Early in my career I had a boss who was a talker and I was forever getting frustrated as they seemed to speak without even thinking about their words and I was always left in a state of confusion when it came to what they were trying to tell me. The reality is that the thinker needs to talk as a way of activating their thinking. So it is no surprise when a ‘talker’ starts with one idea, but has changed their mind at the end…or to be more precise, it may appear to everyone else that they have changed their mind, but from the ‘talkers’ perspective they have simply been having a chat while they are coming up with their conclusion.

For the ‘talkers’ out there, think on these few tips (and of course there are many others!) and see how they can transform your communication at work..

1. Recognise how others perceive your talk: Many people like to think first before speaking…if people are looking at you with a confused look on their face, or they come back to you with some work for your review that is nothing like you were expecting, have a look at your own communication style and how it may have been received by the other.

2. Stop talking: give other people the space to speak up, ask questions and clarify what it is you are trying to convey

3. Clarify: At the end of the conversation, check that the other person has understood what you are trying to say.

4. Communicate your style: Be clear with people that you need / want to brainstorm an idea before you come to a conclusion. This lets people know that your first thought may not be anything like your conclusion, and thats ok, as long as the people you work with understand that.

5. Choose your time: There is a time for talking, and a time for quiet reflection. If other people seem engrossed in a quiet activity, that may not be the time to approach them for what you perceive to be an important work discussion, and what they perceive to be an unwelcome interruption!

Not understanding these communication differences can lead to conflict and frustration, costing a business time and money. DiSC is a great tool to help understand these differences within a team, and learn how to communicate effectively with others in a way that results in great business outcomes.