What are your leadership goals for 2016?

What’s new for 2016? It is on everyone’s mind. It’s on mine, and I am sure it is on yours. We wonder what this year is going to be like. We think about the potential. For the most part, they are positive thoughts. It really is a unique time of year...

Adapting your leadership style – Situational Leadership Theory

Over the last couple of months we have covered a lot of ground regarding why good communication matters at work, and how it can lead to a more efficient and productive team, and therefor improve your business. Last month, we uncovered an issue that could lead to a...

DiSC – the art of effective communication

One of the things I love about facilitating DiSC training sessions with a team is seeing those light bulbs go off, or when people chuckle to themselves when they recognise their own behaviour. Now DiSC is a pretty simple tool and this is actually one of the reasons I...